Happy Tuesday! Regarding my post on Saturday, someone must have seen me complaining about the library being out of things that interest me, because there were lots of new books there when I went yesterday. I got all these:
Things you may notice: the entire Green Knowe series, which I didn’t much like last time I tried to read it, but which I will surely love now. Because of reasons. Also The Age of Miracles, which I think someone reviewed somewhat recently and that review made me want to read it. (Possibly it was Jenny. Was it you, Jenny? I can’t look things up and write this post on my phone at the same time, sorry. Boo, tiny screens.)
Also two Laurence Yep books, which I’ve never read before because I haven’t read anything by him before. So that’s exciting!
AND ALSO (and this is kinda the most exciting thing of ALL the exciting things in this post) the new Terry Pratchett book! Which is a sequel to The Long Earth! Yayyyyy!
There were also (also also also) some DVDs on the DVD shelves that I haven’t seen before, so my entertainment needs are pretty much set for the next two weeks or so.
Have you read any of these folks? (I meant to say “books” but my phone like “folks” and I kept it because it’s adorable.) Which should I read first?